Lotus of the Heart > Path of Spirit > Life and the Spiritual Journey


Life Only Life

Feb 16, 2015


Everyone is Welcome Here

Living in Love beyond Beliefs

*Tony Kornish, The Long Road, Flickr

Life is happening.
You are alive.
What more do you want?


A spiritual seeker traveled far to hear the profound answer he had to one question. He was introduced to the sage, and spoke, "What is the essence of the spiritual journey?" Replied the sage, "Life receiving you, you receiving Life, no more, no less." The seeker, being unable to receive such a simple wisdom, asked again, differently,"What have you learned in all your years of seeking Grace?" "There is no Grace other than Life, there is no Life other than Grace. There is no spiritual life but Life, and no life but spiritual Life. There is nothing to seek, for there is nothing to be gained and nothing to be lost." The seeker went away feeling he had surely best find a more wise sage.

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Love colour

*Love Colour, LuneValleySnapper, Flickr

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©Brian Kenneth Wilcox (Arem Nahariim-Samadhi)


Lotus of the Heart > Path of Spirit > Life and the Spiritual Journey

©Brian Wilcox 2025